At What Size Should I Print the Passport Photos?

If you have received your passport photos digitally, you have the option to print them yourself. To ensure that your photos meet the official requirements for United States, it's important to use the correct paper size and quality.

We recommend using 10x15 inches photo paper of at least 300 grams with a high-quality photo printer. Using high-quality photo paper ensures that your photos are sharp, clear, and durable, and meet the official requirements for a passport photo.

When printing your passport photos, it's important to ensure that they are printed at the correct size and resolution. This ensures that your photo is not stretched or distorted, and that all the required details are clearly visible.

If you're not confident in your ability to print your passport photos correctly, or don't have access to a high-quality photo printer, you can also have them printed at a a copy shop nearby.

How to Take a Good Photo

Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.

Stand Upright. Head Straight.

Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.

No Selfie.

Head Not Tilted.

No Shadows on Face.

Take Photo
Uploading Photo

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