Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that it's not possible to cancel an order for a custom-made product. Once you place an order, we immediately start the production process, and the product is tailored to your specific requirements. Therefore, we cannot accept cancellation requests once the automated production process has started.
Please make sure to review your order carefully before submitting it to avoid any errors or mistakes that could result in the need for cancellation. However, it’s possible to change your address until the envelop has been shipped.
After you place an order, we start printing the photo sheet right away, and we strive to dispatch it within 24 hours, usually within a few hours. Once your order is dispatched, you'll receive a notification with the shipping details and the estimated delivery time.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
Leave your email so that we can send you a discount coupon to continue later.
To maintain fair use of our service, we’ve set a limit of checks per user.
For photographers and other businesses with higher volume needs, please contact us about extended access options at hi@rostrio.com.
Thank you for your understanding!