What Colors Are Not Allowed for Passport Photos?

Certain colors are best avoided for passport photos:

  • White or Light Colors: White or very light colors can blend in with the typically required white or light background, causing a lack of contrast.
  • Bright and Fluorescent Colors: Overly bright or neon colors can be distracting and may affect the photo's neutrality.
  • Uniforms or Camouflage: Clothing that resembles a uniform, military attire, or camouflage should not be worn, as they can be mistaken for official attire.
  • Colors Matching Background: Any color that closely matches the background of the photo should be avoided to ensure clear distinction between the subject and the backdrop.

The focus of a passport photo should be on presenting a clear, accurate , and neutral image of the individual. Neutral and darker colors are generally recommended to achieve this.

How to Take a Good Photo

Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.

Stand Upright. Head Straight.

Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.

No Selfie.

Head Not Tilted.

No Shadows on Face.

Take Photo
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