Our customer Peter van der Woude made an online Dutch driver's license photo from Damwald in Netherlands and wrote a review.
Our customer Peter van der Woude made an online Dutch driver's license photo from Damwald in Netherlands, and wrote a review about making online passport photos on our website.
Our website enables you to create your official passport photos from the comfort of your home in Damwald, Netherlands. Simply take a photo using your smartphone, tablet, or camera, and our website will verify its suitability for official use.
And no worries about language barriers - we've auto-translated the review for you.
Fast delivery, while taking the photo yourself, you get precise information on how and where you can best take the photos. When applying for my driver's license, they said the photo was just about acceptable. A bit strange, either it can or it can't. Good price, better than a regular photographer who nowadays charges around €15 to take a passport photo.
You can choose to receive your passport photos by mail for a fee of $15, or receive them immediately via email for $5 and print them yourself in a copy shop nearby.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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For photographers and other businesses with higher volume needs, please contact us about extended access options at hi@rostrio.com.
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