Biometrics is the process of measuring and analyzing measurable characteristics of living beings, such as average lifespan and racial features. It is one of the methods used for identification based on unique physical or biological traits of individuals.
Biometrics has a wide range of applications and is particularly suitable as a security measure. Biometrics can potentially replace or strengthen the security of cards, keys, passwords, codes, photos, and signatures.
The most well-known biometric features that can be used to determine [identity](/glossary/passport-photo-identity "Identity and Passport Photos" are:
In biometric facial recognition, the features of a person's face are recorded so that it can be determined later whether or not someone matches the stored features and thus whether it is the same person.
When applying for a travel document, your fingerprints, signature, and passport photo are requested.
To make the passport photo suitable for automatic facial recognition, the photo had to be taken straight on, not at a three-quarter angle. The personal registration digitizes passport photos for future use.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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