Lipstick is a cosmetic product that comes in a small stick and is designed to be applied to the lips. It is most commonly used in a shade of red, as it helps enhance the appearance of the lips and cheeks when people become excited and their blood flow increases.
Choosing the right lipstick based on different skin tones might be easy:
The official guidelines for passport photos do not mention lipstick specifically. The most important thing is that you look recognizable in the photo, so if you regularly wear lipstick, it is acceptable to wear it in your passport photo as well.
It is also advisable to wear the same makeup when applying for your travel document, so that the official at the municipal office can recognize you easily and accept the photo.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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