A hijab, also known as a headscarf, is a piece of cloth that is worn as a clothing item to cover the head. Depending on the culture and religious beliefs, headscarves may vary in style, shape, and level of coverage. Some headscarves cover only the hair, while others enclose the face, leaving only the eyes visible.
Reasons for wearing a hijab can vary between different cultures and religions. For instance, in Christianity, veils, turbans, or headscarves are mentioned in various verses of the Bible. In Islam, women wear headscarves as an Islamic requirement. In Judaism, a woman loses her marital portion if she appears outside with her head uncovered. In Sikhism, hair and beard must never be cut, and they are covered with a turban.
Besides religious reasons, headscarves can be worn for protection against the sun, wind, or rain. Some people wear headscarves as part of their traditional clothing or fashion statement.
When taking a passport photo, the face must be fully visible, and the head must be uncovered. However, there are exceptions to this rule when it comes to religious or philosophical beliefs.
If you can provide evidence that you object to uncovering your head due to religious or philosophical reasons, then you can wear a headscarf for your passport photo. However, your face must still be visible, and a burka or niqab is not permitted.
Some people have attempted to wear unusual headgear, such as a colander or goat horns, for religious reasons, but these are not generally accepted.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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