The nose is an essential organ that serves two primary functions: breathing and smelling. Located at the front of the face, between the mouth and the eyes, the nose plays a crucial role in respiratory physiology, warming and filtering the air before it enters the lungs. Moreover, it contains the olfactory receptors, which enable the sense of smell.
When the nose is stimulated, it can trigger a reflex called sneezing, which helps to expel irritants and allergens.
There are various types of noses that people may have, each with unique characteristics and features. These include:
When it comes to passport photos, there are no specific rules regarding the nose. However, it is expected that the nose will be fully visible, without any obstructions or shadows. This is because passport photos are used for identification purposes, and a clearness view of the nose can help with identification.
Furthermore, nose piercings or rings are generally permitted in passport photos, as long as they do not cause any light reflection or cover the face's key features.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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