Facial recognition is a biometric technique that can be used to identify someone.
In facial recognition, the features of a person's face are recorded biometrically. This allows determination of whether someone matches the stored features and thus whether the person is who they claim to be.
Most methods of facial recognition measure the ratios between the size and distance of the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. Other methods measure the temperature profile, which varies for each person due to differences in blood flow.
To identify a person by their face, the following automated procedure is followed:
The rules for passport photos are made suitable for automated facial recognition. The photo must be taken directly from the front, no longer at a three-quarter angle. The personal registration digitizes passport photos for future use.
In politics, there is already discussion about digital facial recognition with passport photos. This should be possible in all cases, and therefore municipalities should be stricter in accepting passport photos.
Camera at Eye Level. Arm's Length Distance.
Stand Upright. Head Straight.
Face Evenly Lit. Neutral expression.
No Selfie.
Head Not Tilted.
No Shadows on Face.
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